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In google chrome kann man den Text manchmal auf deutsch umstellen mit google translate.
Blutzuckerkontrolle mit Pregnenolon !
Mir ist bekannt, dass man früher statt Cortison, Pregnenolon verwendet hat um Rheumaschmerzen zu heilen. Da Cortison billiger war ,ist man umgestiegen. Allerdings sind die Nebenwirkungen des Cortisons immens.
Pregnenolonsulfat ist auch sehr wirksam.
Arbeitgeber machen sich schuldig!Auch Krankenhäuser!
Wenn diese Zulassung nur bedingt ist, kann niemand dazu verpflichtet werden, dass
er daran teilnimmt
Jeder Zwang – sei es im Gesundheitswesen, oder sonst in einer Berufsgruppe – ist
rechtswidrig und verstößt gegen unsere Grund- u. Freiheitsrechte.
Kein Beamter / Soldat / Richter / Arbeitnehmern verletzt seine Pflichten, wenn er solche
„Gentherapien“ ablehnt, insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund der Impftotenstatistik.
Noch deutlicher formuliert: Niemand ist verpflichtet, mit seinem Leben und seiner
Gesundheit russisches Roulette zu spielen.
In Episode 34 Of Our Wellness Wednesday, Melchizedek Refers This to As The "Alpha and Omega" Mediation.
He Says This Vibration Will Attract the Gold and Silver of King Solomon, It Carries a Strong Magnetic Pull-on Gold and Silver!
You Can See It and Feel the Strength and Peace of The Balance of Gold and Silver Frequency.
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Dr. Bryan Ardis
is an expert in Chiropractic care and nutrition. He began his career at
medical school as he wanted to heal his sister of Lupus. He then
realised that the standard medical model wasn't going to heal his sister
as they had no answer to Lupus and the drugs on offer would actually
kill her within 3 decades and render her infertile.
He eventually healed her using knowledge gained outside of the
mainstream (using detox, nutrition and herbs) - he says Lupus is caused
by parasites in the spleen.
He shares here that Remdesivir, the ONLY drug chosen to treat COVID19 by the US' Anthony Fauci, has a less than sterling safety record and was not approved for use otherwise. He says that originally, Fauci cited a study on Remdesivir being used on Ebola as evidence for it's efficacy, which actually resulted in Remdesivir being pulled from the experiment because people died.
Overall, about 50% of people who received either Zmapp or remdesivir died during the trial. In contrast, only about 35% of people who received either Mab114 or REGN-EB3 died. Three participants died of side effects thought to be related to treatment—two in the ZMapp group and one in the remdesivir group.
Source: US National Institute of Health
The full study on Ebola is here.
It is fair to point out that since the test was on Ebola, which is itself deadly, the death of people in the relatively small trial is not surprising. None the less, this study could not be used to advocate for Remdesivir.
He highlights that the people dying of kidney failure in the US and the US' terrible mortality rate attributed to COVID19 is, in his mind, actually due to the incorrect use of drugs in treatment.
The high COVID19 mortality of the US does certainly include a substantial number from kidney failure. Columbia University confirms that New York city saw a much higher rate of kidney problems than other global regions.
Note: The US is not the worst performing nation in the world for COVID19 mortality as compared to other nations, but is among the worst.
In this video interview, Bryan states:
Es gibt ein europäisches Parasitenzentrum:
Ich frage mich, ob ein Arbeitgeber seiner Fürsorgepflicht nachkommt, wenn er eine Impfung verlangt , von der die Impfnebenwirkungen massivst bekannt sind. Ich glaube nicht.! Die Nebenwirkungen der Covidspritze und der Masernimpfung sind bekannt und sie sind verheerend. In Amerika und Frankreich gibt es Lebensversicherer, die die Covidspritze als Selbstmord ansehen und die deshalb keine Auszahlung vornehmen.