Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2022

Healing Alchemy Chi Gung Meditation



In Episode 34 Of Our Wellness Wednesday, Melchizedek Refers This to As The "Alpha and Omega" Mediation. He Says This Vibration Will Attract the Gold and Silver of King Solomon, It Carries a Strong Magnetic Pull-on Gold and Silver! You Can See It and Feel the Strength and Peace of The Balance of Gold and Silver Frequency. 🙌 Join Our FREE Circle of Life Community At:

Montag, 24. Oktober 2022

Dr. Bryan Ardis Biography


Dr. Bryan Ardis is an expert in Chiropractic care and nutrition. He began his career at medical school as he wanted to heal his sister of Lupus. He then realised that the standard medical model wasn't going to heal his sister as they had no answer to Lupus and the drugs on offer would actually kill her within 3 decades and render her infertile.
He eventually healed her using knowledge gained outside of the mainstream (using detox, nutrition and herbs) - he says Lupus is caused by parasites in the spleen.

He shares here that Remdesivir, the ONLY drug chosen to treat COVID19 by the US' Anthony Fauci, has a less than sterling safety record and was not approved for use otherwise. He says that originally, Fauci cited a study on Remdesivir being used on Ebola as evidence for it's efficacy, which actually resulted in Remdesivir being pulled from the experiment because people died.

Overall, about 50% of people who received either Zmapp or remdesivir died during the trial. In contrast, only about 35% of people who received either Mab114 or REGN-EB3 died. Three participants died of side effects thought to be related to treatment—two in the ZMapp group and one in the remdesivir group.

Source: US National Institute of Health

The full study on Ebola is here.

It is fair to point out that since the test was on Ebola, which is itself deadly, the death of people in the relatively small trial is not surprising. None the less, this study could not be used to advocate for Remdesivir.

He highlights that the people dying of kidney failure in the US and the US' terrible mortality rate attributed to COVID19 is, in his mind, actually due to the incorrect use of drugs in treatment.

The high COVID19 mortality of the US does certainly include a substantial number from kidney failure. Columbia University confirms that New York city saw a much higher rate of kidney problems than other global regions.

Note: The US is not the worst performing nation in the world for COVID19 mortality as compared to other nations, but is among the worst.

In this video interview, Bryan states:

  • Remdesivir is the only authorised drug for COVID19 in the US (authorised by Dr. Anthony Fauci). Remdesivir was a new drug and was never FDA approved for treatment of disease.
  • Evidence presented by Fauci for Remdesivir's safety and efficacy were a study on Ebola and a study by the manufacturer. The study on Ebola showed Remdesivir caused more death than the other drugs in the study and pulled both Remdesivir and another deadly drug 'ZMAPP' (Fauci's selected drug) from the study.
  • NYC COVID19 Doctors reported kydney failure in large numbers. Bryan's father was killed by antibiotic used on flu, wrongly being used by a hospital. The antibiotic has a side effect of shutting down the kidneys. He realised that the kidney damage in COVID19 patients was likely caused by the drugs being given to them by hospitals.
  • He states that the manufacturer's own study (Gilead) highlights kidney damage as a primary adverse result of the drug.
  • The US was the only country between January 2020 and October 2020 to treat all COVID19 patients with Remdesivir.
  • He claims that the reason why the USA had the highest number of deaths from COVID19 in 2020 was due to the use of Remdesivir.
  • Hospital protocols are often incorrect and even incorrectly followed.
  • Cases of COVID19 were being diagnosed in hospitals based on not on medical symptoms or evidence, but on where the patient lived.
  • FDA document states that over 110 diseases that were going to be caused by COVID19 shots, including death and miscarriages and 5 different blood clotting disorders BEFORE the shots were rolled out.
  • Number of deaths from shots received, just 3 days after shots were administered is said to be over 45,000 within the US according to a whistleblower – a court case is in progress in response to this to end emergency vaccine authorisation.
  • VAERS database for vaccine injury reporting is under reported by a factor of 100. Many Doctors do not even know what the VAERS database is.
  • FDA document contains reference to a brand new disease: [multi system inflammatory syndrome in children MIS-C( It’s a known side effect of the COVID19 shots. 4200 cases of this disease have been reported to the CDC since the shots were rolled out in the US.
  • The COVID shots are resulting in children being infected due to being exposed to SARS CoV2 spike proteins released (shedded) by vaccinated parents.
  • The shots can cause autoimmune disease and the FDA knew before the shots were rolled out.


Es gibt ein europäisches Parasitenzentrum: 


Die Fürsporgepflicht des Arbeitgebers !

 Ich frage mich, ob ein Arbeitgeber seiner Fürsorgepflicht nachkommt, wenn er eine Impfung verlangt , von der die Impfnebenwirkungen massivst bekannt sind.  Ich glaube nicht.! Die Nebenwirkungen der Covidspritze und der Masernimpfung sind bekannt und sie sind verheerend. In Amerika und Frankreich gibt es Lebensversicherer, die die Covidspritze als Selbstmord ansehen und die deshalb keine Auszahlung vornehmen.

Sonntag, 23. Oktober 2022

Was hilft gegen eine Coronaimpfung oder allgemein welchen Schutz braucht man vor einer Coronaimpfung als Ungeimpfter!


Jeder weiß, es gibt massenhaft Mittel gegen die Coronaimpfung!Deshalb brauchen wir keine Impfung. Die Impfung ist gefährlicher als die Corona Grippe!Wenn es Gegenmittel gibt braucht man keine Impfung!

 Z.B. NAC+Zink, Ivermectin  (Alex Collier hat Ivermectin gezeigt. Soll auch bei den Impfungen helfen


Alex Collier muss das  beim Webinar 164 ab Position 1 Stunde 49 minuten gesagt haben oder davor  


Ivermectin 12mg 7 davon am Tag

Alex Collier hat Ivermectin gezeigt. Soll auch bei den Impfungen helfen

Von HCQ 400mg 3 Stück am Tag und Mms  every single day

20 drops of essiac every single day


Strophantin oder Wabain (gegen Sars Cov2 Aussage Dr.Fürstenwerth), gegen Parasiten PX Bitterwürze von Regenbogenkreis ( Parasiten manchmal in Impfung enthalten), Hydroxychloroquin, FCCC Protokoll, Melatonin, Peroxid , Nicotinpflaster, Suramin(nach Dr. Mikovits)

Nach einem Protokoll von der FLCCCu

Manche alternative Ärzte haben gue Erfahrungen mit Ausleitungen!


ozonated saline infusion followed by the vitamin C infusion


 manche bekommen Lähmungen (Polio usw. ) nach der Impfung.  


Ravi Roy hat da einige Erfahrungen. Es gibt eine indische Linsenart, die bei Polio hilft ( homöopathisch).Das habe ich aus einem seiner Bücher über Kinderkrankheiten.  

 Es gibt auch Untersuchungen, dass Polio mit einer Vergiftung mit DDT und anderen Substanzen in Zusammenhang steht

 Es ist manchmal auch sinnvollsich auf Parasiten testen zu lassen , die hinter vielen Krankheiten stecken können. Z.B. Lupus oder Krebs!